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I am Maurizio D'Andrea, an international artist driven by a profound exploration of the human psyche. My artistic journey delves into the hidden depths of the mind, inspired by the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. These visionaries illuminated the concept of the unconscious, a realm where layers of thoughts, desires, and shared human experiences reside, manifesting through symbols, myths, and recurring images. In my art, I employ abstraction as a transformative tool. Pure abstraction, in its essence, seeks to distill the core of an object or idea, stripping away the direct representation of reality. It is through this abstraction that I strive to bypass the superficial and immerse myself in the unconscious, where universal archetypes reside. These archetypes emerge in my works as repeated forms and symbols, forging a visual language that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers. My creative journey is shaped by a rich tapestry of influences. Abstract Expressionism, particularly the New York School, has left an indelible mark on my understanding of abstract art and gestural painting. Artists like Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Robert Motherwell have guided my exploration of spontaneity, emotional expression through color, and conveying profound meanings through paintings. My artistic technique has evolved through years of personal exploration, drawing inspiration from diverse sources as I forged my distinctive approach. I employ a wide range of tools, from brushes to spatulas, to create unique and surprising effects on the canvas. My process is deeply gestural, characterized by spontaneous movements that express my emotions and connection to the work. If a piece does not resonate with my unconscious or evoke significant emotions, I am not afraid to modify it or even destroy it, embracing the impermanence of artistic creation. My art falls within the realm of lyrical-informal abstraction and contemporary international abstraction. It is an intimate and profound exploration born from the vibrations of the mind, a symbiotic connection with the canvas that can be as destructive as it is ecstatic. My abstraction is an ever-evolving journey, transcending the formal to delve into the universal. What motivates me is the pursuit of the universal, inspired by Plato's concept of universal form. I seek to capture these universal forms in my art, unveiling the deep connections between shared human experiences. In my current artistic production, I draw inspiration from a variety of international influences, but at its core lies the enigmatic exploration of the unconscious. I fuse the nuances of informal abstraction with the explosive energy of abstract expressionism to create works that invite viewers on a journey into the innermost recesses of the soul. In Turin, a cradle of innovation and artistic creativity, I founded the "Introversic Radical Artistic Movement." This movement promotes the purity of interiority in art, fostering collaboration, experimentation, and liberation of creative expression from commercial constraints. It aims to engage viewers in a visceral, one-on-one relationship with art, where the artist, the artwork, and the viewer engage in a profound dialogue. My journey extends beyond traditional painting, embracing digital art, where I continue to explore the depths of the human mind. My digital works delve into internal whirlpools, mental projections, and geometric spatialities. Through my software "Artetc," I create spatial fusions and overlays of shapes, lines, and arcs, unlocking new dimensions of artistic expression. Success, in my eyes, as an artist is when my work transcends personal expression and becomes a source of connection, contemplation, and inspiration for others. It is about effectively communicating emotions and complex concepts through art, leaving a lasting impact on individuals and society as a whole. Art is a mirror that reflects the soul of society, a powerful means of cultural expression, social commentary, and exploration of human experiences. It challenges conventions, sparks discussions, and enriches our lives by promoting creativity, critical thinking, and emotional connections. It preserves our history, documents our culture, and leaves a timeless legacy. My ultimate career goals as an international abstract artist are diverse. I aspire to share my art with a global audience, allowing people from diverse cultures to connect with my work and find personal meaning in it. I want to convey the "language of the unconscious" and demonstrate that abstract art can transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, touching the cords of humanity that bind us all. Born at the foot of Mount Vesuvius in Naples, Italy, the majestic volcano and the sea have been boundless sources of inspiration. My background in vulcanology, combined with in-depth studies of psychology, including the works of Jung and Freud, as well as symbolism, has deeply influenced my artistic journey. In summary, my art is a visual exploration of the unconscious, a bridge to universal archetypes, and an invitation for viewers to embark on a transformative journey through the depths of the human psyche.

The psychology of art has shown that aesthetic experience can generate pleasure and gratification
Numerous scientific studies have highlighted that exposure to art pieces considered pleasant can activate neural circuits linked to reward and pleasure, triggering a positive response in the brain
Created by Maurizio D'Andrea
All rights reserved - 2024-
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