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Maurizio D'Andrea: The Alchemy of Abstract in Contemporary Art

Maurizio D'Andrea: The Alchemy of Abstract in Contemporary Art

Autore: Maurizio D'Andrea

Data: 07-04-2024

Argomento: Article

Parole chiave: Abstract, Maurizio D'Andrea, Astratta


In the vast panorama of contemporary art, abstract painter Maurizio D'Andrea emerges as a figure capable of capturing the unconscious and bringing it to the canvas. His artistic journey has been shaped by a profound study of Carl Jung's analytical psychology, including his enigmatic "Red Book" and the concept of collective archetypes. Through abstract painting, D'Andrea seeks the universal in the unconscious, urging us to reflect on the nature of reality and our inner world.

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For Maurizio D'Andrea, reality is a construct of the mind, a reflection of its intricate psychological underpinnings. The unconscious is the fertile ground where our emotions, desires, fears, and hopes take root. It is a world that encompasses all those mental contents that elude our conscious perception but, at the same time, seem to dominate and shape our experiential psyche. These contents are often uncertain, multifaceted, and complex, much like our inner world.

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D'Andrea's work is the result of an intense and compulsive process of accessing the unconscious. To bring to light what eludes rational understanding, the artist employs a symbolic and archetypal language. This approach echoes Jung's thought, emphasizing the importance of archetypes as primordial forms of the collective human unconscious. D'Andrea's painting serves as a means to give form to these hidden archetypes, which exert a profound influence on our psyche.


In this perspective, the painter assumes a role similar to that of an alchemist, a seeker of hidden meanings who moves energies to promote those archetypal and subtle nuclei of the unconscious that guide our existence. However, D'Andrea does this through abstraction, an art form that challenges the boundaries of tangible reality to delve into the depths of the unconscious.

The drive toward abstraction in D'Andrea's art is the result of a great inner restlessness. This restlessness is inspired by humanity's inability to provide satisfying answers to the phenomena of the external world. Faced with a complex and ever-changing reality, art becomes a means to explore and understand our psychological underworld.

For D'Andrea, the act of painting is a heroic one. The artist embarks on a sort of inner quest, running toward the castle of the unconscious. In this journey, he must avoid the sterilization and death of our true selves, a self-annihilation that is clearly undesirable. His art is a form of resistance against reducing humans to mere biological organisms or automatons devoid of emotions. We are body, mind, but above all, sentiment.

In D'Andrea's works, the strength, movement, chaos, and energy of the unconscious underworld emerge. These elements are reflected in bold colors and forms full of motion that characterize his painting. His mental landscapes become representations of the universal unconscious, a concept supported by Carl Jung, who stated that "In the depths of each individual, there is a world of symbols and images that connects humanity in a single network of shared experiences."


Maurizio D'Andrea has brought his unique vision of abstraction to the world, exhibiting his works in numerous shows and garnering numerous accolades. His art is a reference point in the international abstract art movement, inspiring artists and viewers to explore the depths of the unconscious and reflect on the complex nature of reality.

In an era where the search for meaning and the understanding of the human mind are more relevant than ever, Maurizio D'Andrea's art invites us to explore the mysteries of the unconscious and discover the deep connections that unite humanity in a single network of shared experiences. His painting is a testament to humankind's eternal quest to unveil the secrets of the soul, a journey that compels us to explore the universal in the unconscious and discover who we truly are.

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La psicologia dell’arte ha dimostrato che l’esperienza estetica può generare piacere e gratificazione
Numerosi studi scientifici hanno evidenziato che l’esposizione a opere d’arte ritenute piacevoli può attivare circuiti neurali collegati alla ricompensa e al piacere, innescando una risposta positiva nel cervello.
Created by Maurizio D'Andrea
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